I’m a playwright, actor, and organizer – based in Queens, born in + adopted from Korea, and raised in Chicago & Berlin. My work combines raucous comedy with a deeply felt sense of urgency to investigate power relationships, class & labor dynamics, generational politics, the necessity of uniting against an exploitative system, and our responsibility towards a broader community. From a young age, we were fed the “American Dream” through stories about the hero’s journey and the exceptional individual, before war, wage theft, a pandemic, and climate catastrophe shattered that illusion. I want to make work that rejects the idea that anybody is coming to save us, that the smartest, strongest, and wealthiest of us will navigate the system to lead us all to utopia, and instead shows the endless possibilities that lie in our collective power – while throwing in as many pop culture references and low-brow jokes as I can, which is my right (First amendment or whatever). My work presents our ruggedly individualistic society in its hilarious, horrifying, epic “glory” and offers an alternative: each other.

I’m an organizer with NYC Democratic Socialists of America and Theater Workers For a Ceasefire. I received an MFA in Playwriting from CUNY Hunter College in 2022 and a BFA in Drama from NYU Tisch in 2015. I’ve taught undergraduate playwriting at Hunter College.

Like if Brecht had a Twitter.


4 Dec 2023 — Accepting the Ollie New Play Award from the Bret Adams & Paul Reisch Foundation. Also pictured: Sheilah Rae, Clare Fuyuko Bierman, Kate Bussert, Brandy Hoang Collier, Bruce Ostler, Grace McLean, Erika Ji.

Photo: Marco Quezada



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